Digital Marketing

De-Siloing GTM Teams for Customer-Led Growth

By Tom Swanson, Engagement Manager at Heinz Marketing CLG (customer-led growth for the unaware) is another entry in the X-Led Growth trend.  Taking away the fancy name and buzzy acronyms, the concept has been around for a long time.  Whether integrating Voice-of-the-Customer efforts, building customer marketing strategies, or writing a simple customer nurture, extracting more […]

Digital Marketing

The Linear Trap: What is the Best way to Approach the B2B Customer Journey?

By Win Salyards, Senior Marketing Consultant at Heinz Marketing It is tempting to view the customer journey as a straightforward, linear process. We often envision customers progressing neatly from awareness to consideration to decision, adhering to a set path. However, this oversimplified perspective can lead to missed opportunities and a lack of understanding of the true […]

Digital Marketing

Decoding the Customer Journey: A Guide to Effective Marketing Attribution – Pt. 4

By Carly Bauer, Marketing Consultant at Heinz Marketing Optimizing Your Attribution Model: How to stay scalable and flexible In today’s marketing landscape, attribution models are crucial tools that allow businesses to understand the customer journey and measure the effectiveness of various marketing channels. By accurately attributing conversions and sales to the appropriate touchpoints, companies can optimize […]

Digital Marketing

The Power of Cohesion: Building the Ideal B2B Customer Experience

By Maria Geokezas, Chief Operating Officer at Heinz Marketing Do you ever feel like your sales, marketing, and customer success teams work from different playbooks? Imagine how your customer feels if they encounter inconsistent messaging, a clunky onboarding process, or a lack of post-purchase support. It’s certainly not an ideal B2B customer experience. A fragmented approach […]

Digital Marketing

MarTech Moment: Microsoft Clarity

In this week’s MarTech Moment, we are featuring Microsoft Clarity, a tool I’ve just recently come to know but have been using regularly for our own website optimization.  Clarity is a free behavioral analysis tool that helps you understand how people interact with your website. It can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize […]

Digital Marketing

Creating Marketing Program Workflows to Align Teams

By Win Salyards, Senior Marketing Consultant at Heinz Marketing In large organizations, misalignment of marketing goals and objectives can lead to wasted resources and missed opportunities. Creating structured marketing program workflows is a proven method to align subteams and streamline operations, ensuring everyone works towards common objectives. In this post, we’ll explore marketing program workflows, how […]

Digital Marketing

Decoding the Customer Journey: A Guide to Effective Marketing Attribution – Pt. 3

By Carly Bauer, Marketing Consultant at Heinz Marketing In today’s dynamic and interconnected digital landscape, understanding the effectiveness of marketing efforts is paramount for businesses striving to thrive in competitive markets. At the heart of this understanding lies a well-crafted attribution strategy—a roadmap that illuminates the journey customers take from initial engagement to conversion. However, crafting […]

Digital Marketing

Decoding the Customer Journey: A Guide to Effective Marketing Attribution – Pt. 2

By Carly Bauer, Marketing Consultant at Heinz Marketing In the first part of this three-part series, I talked about the basics of marketing attribution and its ability to provide insights into the customer journey. It included the different components of marketing attribution, the different types of attribution models and how to determine the most ideal model […]