
Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone: 10 Best Weapons, Ranked


  • WSP Swarm: Best close-range support weapon with high rate of fire and mobility. Range and vertical recoil are drawbacks.
  • DM56: Versatile marksman rifle with faster fire rate. Good mobility and handling, but low magazine size and only useful for mid-to-long-range.
  • KATT-AMR: Only true one-shot sniper against armor vests. High damage without need for explosive rounds, but low handling and rechambering speed.
  • Note: These takeaways are written in the same tone as the content, reflecting its informational and descriptive style.

There is a wide array of different weapons in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone, each of which can be fully customized according to your liking. Though this latest rendition of Call Of Duty seems to feature some of the most balanced weapons out of the most recent titles, there are still quite a few top performers in both the close and long-range metas.


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There are always a few stand-out weapons when it comes to the general meta in Call Of Duty. Though what weapon you decide to run within your Custom Loadout will depend on personal preference, keeping up to date with what weapons rank higher than others can be a surefire way to compete against other players. Here we have comprised a list of the best weapons to use in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone, all ranked from least to most viable.

10 WSP-Swarm

Best Close-Range Support Weapon

WSP Swarm Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Time To Kill

Bullet Velocity

Fire Rate

Magazine Size

Aim Down Sight Speed

Sprint to Fire Speed


450.0 m/s

1090.9 RPM


175.0 ms

88.0 ms

The WSP Swarm is by far the best Submachine Gun in its category, and by proxy, the best close-range support weapon. The TTK of this nifty SMG sits at the top end of its category at just 220ms, and this is largely thanks to its high rate of fire. The mobility and handling of the WSP Swarm is also considerably high, allowing you to out-aim and gun most other weapons at close range.

The obvious drawback of running the WSP Swarm is its poor range, meaning it’s better to pair it with a high contender in the long-range meta for Warzone. However, range aside, the WSP Swarm also boasts a high level of vertical recoil, meaning you will need to put most of your efforts into toning that down in the Gunsmith.

9 DM56

Most Versatile Marksman Rifle

DM56 Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Time To Kill

Bullet Velocity

Fire Rate

Magazine Size

Aim Down Sight Speed

Sprint to Fire Speed


700.0 m/s

428.6 RPM


235.0 ms

168.0 ms

The DM56 is arguably the most versatile weapon when it comes to the Marksman Rifle category for a few major reasons. Though the MTZ Interceptor is favored more than the DM56 thanks to its higher damage-per-shot, the latter option does sport a faster fire rate. Pair this with the still decently high level of damage for the DM56, and you have a weapon that allows you to take down opponents relatively quickly.

The DM56 also boasts one of the highest levels of mobility and handling in the Marksman Rifle category, and though other weapons on this list are generally much faster, this benefit is still worth mentioning if you are torn between taking this weapon over the MTZ Inceptor. The only major drawbacks of the DM56 are its low magazine size by default, and the fact that it is only really useful for mid-to-long-range engagements.


The Only True One-Shot Sniper For Warzone

KATT-AMR Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Time To Kill

Bullet Velocity

Fire Rate

Magazine Size

Aim Down Sight Speed

Sprint to Fire Speed


660.0 m/s

41.4 RPM


760.0 ms

351.0 ms

The KATT-AMR is by far the number one Sniper Rifle for Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone, largely down to the fact that it is the only true one-shot Sniper against Armor Vests. While Sniper Rifles can be built to become a one-shot headshot kill in Warzone with the use of .50 CAL Explosive rounds, the KATT-AMR achieves the same feat without the use of such an ammo type. This makes the KATT-AMR capable of downing opponents with a single headshot, without the need to decrease its bullet velocity.

The few major drawbacks of the KATT-AMR include its low level of handling and rechambering speed, attributes that some other Sniper Rifles excel at. However, both of these flaws can easily be mitigated with the right attachments, granting you a superb Sniper Rifle that dishes out the best damage in its category.

7 Pulemyot 762

Best Handling LMG With The Conversion Kit

Pulemyot 762 Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Time To Kill

Bullet Velocity

Fire Rate

Magazine Size

Aim Down Sight Speed

Sprint to Fire Speed


810.0 m/s

491.6 RPM


450.0 ms

285.0 ms

The Pulemyot is one of the top-performing Light Machine Guns in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone, largely due to it having one of the highest levels of damage in the LMG category. The Pulemyot also has one of the best levels of recoil control in its weapon class, allowing it to be remarkably accurate across range.

However, despite these great benefits, the Puleymot does have a fairly low fire rate and poor handling attributes, even for a Light Machine Gun. These flaws can be mitigated though, by equipping the Jak Annihilator Bullpup Kit, giving it one of the best levels of handling in the category – along with boosting its fire rate.

6 Bruen MK9

Heavy Contender In The Long Range Meta

Bruen MK9 Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Time To Kill

Bullet Velocity

Fire Rate

Magazine Size

Aim Down Sight Speed

Sprint to Fire Speed


810.0 m/s

759.1 RPM


450.0 ms

250.0 ms

The Bruen MK9 is the second Light Machine Gun on this list, and is a great contender for the long-range meta in Warzone and Modern Warfare 3. The TTK of both the Puleymot and the Bruen-MK9 are very close, but with the faster rate of the latter option, you may find yourself taking out opponents just a little faster.


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The Bruen-MK9 also has a slightly better sprint-to-fire speed than the Pulemyot by default, granting you a greater ability to get your weapon up and ready after sprinting. The Bruen-MK9 also has better mobility, making it more favorable for players who want that added boost in movement speed.


Best Long-Range Battle Rifle

BAS-B Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Time To Kill

Bullet Velocity

Fire Rate

Magazine Size

Aim Down Sight Speed

Sprint to Fire Speed


790.0 m/s

666.7 RPM


260.0 ms

231.0 ms

The BAS-B was one of the go-to top meta guns for a short while during Warzone’s launch, but has fallen off slightly after receiving a nerf to its overall damage. Despite the nerf, however, the BAS-B is by far the best Battle Rifle to use in the game, and is still one of the top contending weapons on this list. It sports a fairly high fire rate for a fast TTK, along with the best level of handling out of all Battle Rifles, making it snappy for fast engagements.

The real benefit the BAS-B has, however, is its increasingly high level of damage range and bullet velocity, making it the ultimate Battle Rifle for long-range gunfights. The only real negative that holds this weapon back is its low magazine size, which sits at 20 rounds by default and 45 rounds maximum.

4 DG-56

Best Assault Rifle For Long Range

DG-56 Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Time To Kill

Bullet Velocity

Fire Rate

Magazine Size

Aim Down Sight Speed

Sprint to Fire Speed


720.0 m/s

196.1 RPM


240.0 ms

178.0 ms

No meta list would be complete without the DG-56, which is arguably the best Assault Rifle to use for long-range engagements. This nifty AR is a three-round burst-firing weapon, making it a lot easier to control across range than other options. The real benefit of the DG56 becomes more apparent when engaging with players beyond 50 meters, as this weapon boasts the best level of range within the Assault Rifle category by default.

Though the fire rate of this weapon is on the low side, the damage per shot of the DG56 is remarkably high, granting it a fast TTK which sits at just 408ms. The sprint-to-fire speed is also pretty admirable, sitting at just 178.0ms – which is on the lower end of all the weapons on this list. The only major drawback of the DG56, however, is that it requires a keen level of accuracy in order to use it effectively.

3 TAQ Eradicator

Best Long Range Full Auto Weapon

TAQ Eradicator Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Time To Kill

Bullet Velocity

Fire Rate

Magazine Size

Aim Down Sight Speed

Sprint to Fire Speed


840.0 m/s

857.1 RPM


330.0 ms

210.0 ms

The TAQ Eradicator is by far one of the best weapons to utilize within the long-range meta for Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone. This Light Machine Gun boasts the highest bullet velocity out of all the weapons on this list, and a high fire rate for a fast TTK. The benefits do not stop there, however, as the TAQ Eradicator boasts the best TTK among all other full-auto weapons beyond the 70-meter mark.

Out of all the Light Machine Guns on this list, the TAQ Eradicator sports the fastest aim-down-sight and sprint-to-fire speed by default, making it one of the better options if you favor better handling. The only attributes keeping the TAQ Eradicator from reaching the number one spot on this list are its high amount of weapon kick and recoil, along with its exceptionally low level of mobility.

2 M13B

Best Carry Forward Weapon With A High TTK

M13B Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Time To Kill

Bullet Velocity

Fire Rate

Magazine Size

Aim Down Sight Speed

Sprint to Fire Speed


600 m/s

845.1 RPM


230.0 ms

210.0 ms

The M13B is quite an unusual gun on this list, as it is the only carry-forward weapon we have included. This weapon boasts one of the highest TTKs of all the full-auto weapons on this list, along with an admirable aim-down sight and sprint-to-fire speed. The recoil control of the M13B is also quite controllable, making it an exceptionally accurate weapon.

Though this Assault Rifle may not be the best weapon to use across ranges, largely because of its relatively low bullet velocity, it is quite useful for gunning players down in medium-range engagements. All these attributes make it one of the most versatile Assault Rifles to use in both Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone as of Season 1.

1 RAM-7

Most Versatile Assault Rifle

RAM-7 Modern Warfare 3 & Warzone

Time To Kill

Bullet Velocity

Fire Rate

Magazine Size

Aim Down Sight Speed

Sprint to Fire Speed


780.0 m/s

750.0 RPM


240.0 ms

189.0 ms

The RAM-7 is arguably the most versatile Assault Rifle out of all those available for both Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone. By default, the RAM-7 has one of the highest levels of handling in the Assault Rifle category in general, but it also boasts a high fire rate. Though there are quite a few Assault Rifles that perform much better for long-range engagements, the RAM-7 still holds strong in medium-range engagements.

The true benefit of the RAM-7 is its ability to be used for almost any gunfight scenario at close-to-medium range. This is mainly down to its fast TTK, which is quite high sitting at just 320ms. Pair this with the fast aim-down-sight and sprint-to-fire speeds, and you have the best go-to weapon for almost any situation.


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