
Palworld: 10 Best PC Mods

Palworld is an extremely fun game that allows players to truly create a world full of the Pals that they want. Whether you are looking for a Fire Pal like Blazamut, or you’re more into Ice Pals like Frostallion, you can truly have what you want.


Palworld: 10 Tips & Tricks For Beginners

If you’re struggling to get your operation up and running in Palworld, read this list of helpful tips!

With the addition of mods via Nexus Mods, you can customize your game however you’d like. There are so many mods available for the game that it would take days to try them all out. Here is a list of the most helpful ones available right now.


January 19, 2024

Pocketpair Inc.

10 Capturable Tower Bosses

Own Them All

Palworld first boss

  • This is the only way to capture tower bosses
  • Adds rare Pals to your party early in the game

The many towers around Palworld have some pretty powerful bosses (both human and Pal). With so many amazing captures to add to your team, it is such a shame that you cannot catch them and keep them forever.

Thankfully, the Capturable Tower Bosses mod allows you to catch any of the tower bosses in the game, making sure you have an unstoppable army of Pals and humans at your disposal for any situation that may arise during the game.

9 Remove Flying Stamina Cost

No More Resting

The Palworld character is riding Nitewing and overlooking Mount Obsidian looking for Huge Dragon Eggs.

  • Stamina isn’t needed at all
  • You can fly anywhere

Capturing Pals to turn into mounts is a fantastic feature in Palworld. If you’re planning on getting around this massive world, you are going to need something to help out, and flying mounts are the perfect way.


Palworld: 10 Fastest Mounts, Ranked

There are a great deal of ridable Pals in Palworld. Here are the fastest mounts you can get, all ranked accordingly!

The only downside to these mounts is that they have a stamina bar that restricts how long they can fly. With the Remove Flying Stamina Cost mod, you will never have to worry about descending and letting your Pal take a break. They will keep flying forever if you want them to.

8 Increase Base Amount And Worker Pals

All The Workers

Palworld Berries at player base Plantation Mammorest

  • Turns your base into a factory
  • Allows you to make bases all over the map

Palworld is impossible to navigate if you don’t have a base where you keep your items, craft new items, and house some of your Pals. In order to even have a functioning base, let alone several functioning bases, you are going to need some useful Pals.

Amazingly, the Increase Base Amount And Worker Pals mod ensures that you can have Pals all over the place doing your dirty work for you. Whether you are building hundreds of bases or you just want to have a ton of Pals working in one place, you can finally make your dreams come true with this awesome mod.

The End Of Repairs

How to repair weapons and gear in Palworld - 1

  • You can customize your gear to be more durable or fully unbreakable
  • One less reason to cut an adventure short and return to base
  • Does not impact structure durability

One annoying feature of Palworld is the constant need to repair the armor and weapons that you have been using. You could be in the middle of an important adventure when your items break, meaning you need to return to base.

If you want to avoid this burden (or just do it less often), you need the Infinite Or Increase Durability mod. You can either set the durability of your items higher, or you can just give them infinite durability. The time you save from this will be a blessing, allowing you to explore to your heart’s content.

6 More Stat And Technology Points

Do Everything At Once

Palworld Grappling Gun technology Tree

  • Completely upgrade every stat available
  • Unlock all building items

Figuring out the best stats to level up, like increasing your health and weight/carrying capacity, and which Technology Points to invest in first to customize your base and loadout, are central mechanics to Palworld. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of both of these in Palworld.

For many, this grind for increasing stats and gathering Technology Points is all part of the enjoyment, but if you just want to skip all that and have max stats and everything unlocked and available right away, the More Stat And Technology Points mod will allow you to do just that.

5 Remove Pal Revive Timer

No More Wait Times

The Palworld character built a Palbox to establish their base.

  • Pals automatically revive once inside the PalBox
  • Can also just reduce wait times

Pals can die pretty easily if you get yourself into a bind in the game. They are also able to die if they are left alone at a base that has been attacked by various enemies. If this happens, you will need to wait 10 minutes for your Pal to revive.

The Remove Pal Revive Timer mod can ensure that you don’t have to wait that entire time to use your Pal again. If you’re eager to explore the world and your best Pal dies, it isn’t fun having to wait around for your Pal to revive (especially since offline time doesn’t count). This mod will remove that obstacle from your game, allowing you to get back into the action more quickly.

4 Carry Weight Increase

Become A Pack Mule

how to use Cattiva's Pal Skill Effect to upgrade Weight in Palworld - 2

  • Eliminates the need to return to base constantly
  • Allows you to invest in other useful stats instead of the Weight stat

It can be difficult to farm materials if you are constantly running out of carrying weight on your character. The different resources (especially those that are important) can become too heavy too quickly in the game.

With the Carry Weight Increase mod, you will no longer have to worry about how many items you have in your inventory. If you come across a great place to farm, you can just start collecting without fear that you will need to drop something to fit everything. Sure, the More Stat And Technology Points mod mentioned earlier can accomplish this, but if you just want to eliminate this specific stat-investment, but otherwise want to earn upgrades and stat increases like normal, this mod is perfect.

3 100 Percent Capture Rate

Every Pal Is Yours

how to capture Cattiva in Palworld

  • You won’t waste resources on hundreds and hundreds of Pal Spheres
  • You won’t need to increase your Capture Rate

One thing that you will quickly learn is that Pals can be difficult to capture. Even if you attack a Pal until its health is all the way down, or you find one while it is sleeping and throw it at their back, you can still easily waste a ton of Pal Spheres capturing the critter you want.


Palworld Reminds Me More Of Slime Rancher Than Pokemon

Wait, is this Pal supposed to be mining rocks or leaving behind Plorts?

This is an issue of the past with the 100 Percent Capture Rate mod. No matter what Pal Sphere you are using or what Pal you are trying to catch, you will always have a 100% capture rate. This means that you can catch high-level Pals early in the game — even the huge, sparkly, Lucky Pals.

2 AlwaysFastTravel

No Need For Fast Travel Points

Character looking at fast travel statue in Palworld

  • Travel to Fast Travel points from anywhere on the map
  • Overencumbered and unable to move? Fast Travel to your base right away!
  • The mod also increases your base movement speed

While exploring Palworld, you will come across many fast travel statues on your journey. Once these are unlocked, you aren’t able to simply open the map and fast travel to them — you can only fast travel from a fast travel statue to begin with.

The AlwaysFastTravel mod will ensure that you can fast travel to any fast travel statue at any time just by opening your map and selecting them. You will need to unlock the fast travel points in order to travel to them, so you’ll still need to discover them out in the world by exploring, but this mod cuts out the need to find a statue first. This mod is a lifesaver when you’re suddenly overencumbered out in the wilds — you can simply fast travel back to your base to drop off heavy resources.

1 MapUnlocker

No More Fog Of War

Palworld Map

  • Eliminates the need for aimless travel
  • Allows you to strategize and plan your routes better

The default map in Palworld will be covered over in black fog until you move around and explore the areas. This can make exploration fun, but difficult, especially if you’re wanting to plan ahead. If you’re looking for the snowy region but haven’t visited it yet, you will be lost.

If this is ever an issue for you, you have to get the MapUnlocker mod. It will show the entire map to you from the very beginning. Now, if you’re looking for an elusive Blazamut or other Fire Pal, you will know exactly which area of the map to head to.


Palworld: How To Remove Wanted Level

In trouble with the police? Don’t worry. Just ruuuun!!

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